2016 Replacement of the Oil Metering Facilities with associated works at ES Sider Terminal   Libya Waha Oil Company (Ex Oasis Oil Company)  
2016 Maintenance of 500 M3 Light Fuel Oil Tankwith Related Facilities and Fire Fighting System at Mitiga Power Plant   Libya GECOL - General electricity Compnay of Lybia
2016 Gialo Water Disposal System Gialo Oilfield Libya Waha Oil Company (Ex Oasis Oil Company)
2014 The replacement/installation of liner at Evaporation Pond at Ras Lanuf Export Terminal Ras Lanuf Tank Farm Libya Harouge (VEBA) Oil OperationsB.V. Libyan Branch
2012 Cooling system piping alternation for Tanks 210 CT1/2, BT1, NT1/2, KT4/5/6, GT9/10/11/12 / ST1/2/3/4 Ras Lanuf Libya LERCO – Libyan Emirates RefineryCompany
2012 Alternative tank for storing kerosene products; Contract No. 0627 Ras Lanuf Libya LERCO – Libyan Emirates RefineryCompany
2010 Dahab Highline to Feed NewProduction Wells PN 1222A; (11 km new 34.5 KV highline)  Zuetina Oil Terminal Libya ZUEITINA Oil Company
2010 Power Supply for 2 CathodicProtection Stations  Zuetina Oil Terminal Libya ZUEITINA Oil Company
2010 Sea Water Intake: Replacement of8” Hypochlorite Lines and Maintenance of 144” SWI Pipes Ras Lanuf Libya RASCO - Ras Lanuf Oil &GasProcessing Company, Inc.  
2010 AGOCO Tobruk - Installation ofFoam Extinguishing System on Tanks 805 & 842 and Fire Protection Systemon the Floating Roof Tanks at Tobruk Refinery Project K-52 Tobruk Libya AGOCO - Arabian Gulf Oil Company  
2010 Supply and Installation of 15/30kV Tank Farm/Terminal Feeder Cables and Tank Farm Switchgears; Contract No.2008-39 + CO – Main Power Supply 5 MVA TS (30 /12.5 kV) at Tank Farm forentire HOO R/L. Ras Lanuf Oil Terminal Libya Harouge (VEBA) Oil OperationsB.V. Libyan Branch Engineering, design, supply andinstallation  of  15/30 kV Tank Farm/Terminal Feeder Cablesand Tank Farm Switchgears
2010 Replace Main Distribution Board; Ras Lanuf Terminal; – SERVICE ORDERNo. 1- Terminal MV Underground Cables Ras Lanuf Oil Terminal Libya Harouge (VEBA) Oil Operations B.V. Libyan Branch Replacement of Main Distribution board at Ras Lanuf Terminal
2010 Cleaning and Refurbishment Oil Tank 2100-GT-11 Ras Lanuf Libya LERCO – Libyan Emirates Oil Refining Company Emptying, Cleaning and Refurbishment of Heavy Gas Oil Tank 2100-GT-11
2009 General Reconstruction Of Main Facilities For Liquid Fuel Transfer From Ground To Oil River Barge Oil Refinery Bosanski Brod Bosnia & Hercegovina Zarubezneftestrojmontaz O.O.O. Moskva, Russia & Oil Refinery Bosanski Brod, Bosnia & Hercegovina Design, Engineering & Construction Of Pipe Lines Transfer Sistem, Custodi Transfer Metering Skids, Firefighting Sistem, Oil Barge On River Sava Including Conection Between.
2009 Cleaning of HC111 Nafura Libya WINTERSHALL Libyan Branch Cleaningof HC 111 exchange unit with high pressure pump. 
2009 Installation of fire fightingsystem Tobruk Libya  Arabian Gulf Oil Co. Installation of foamextinguishing system on tanks and fire protection systemon floating roof tank
2009 Upgrade of MV switchgear relayprotection system Oil field 103A & 103B Libya Zueitina OilCo. Libya  Installation of MV switchgearrelay protection system and monitoring control equipment.
2009 Works on underground facilitiesat Tank Farm Ras Lanuf Libya Harouge Oil Operations Maintenance and servicing ofunderground facilities.
2008 Dahab highline Zueitina Libya Zueitina OilCo. Libya  Engineering and installation ofMW power supply (9km new 34,5 KV high line)to feed eight new productionwells.
2008 Main Distribution Board, RasLanuf Terminal - Replacement Ras Lanuf Libya Harouge Oil Operations Supply and Installation of15/30kV Tank Farm/Terminal Feeder Cables and Tank Farm switchgears.
2007 Ethylene plant 8th turnaround Ras Lanuf Libya Ras Lanuf Oil & GasProcessing Co. Inc  Turnaround services, instrumentand NDT insp. specialist .
2007 Glass reinforced pipesreplacement Ras Lanuf Libya Ras Lanuf Oil & GasProcessing Co. Inc  Glass reinforced pipesreplacement
2007 LPG plant terminal Zueitina Libya Zueitina OilCo. Libya  Turnaround services, instrumentspecialist, pipe line specialist.
2007 Maintenance of the facilities atAmal field Amal Field Libya  Arabian Gulf Oil Co. Construction works andengineering; supply of material.
2007 Polyethylene plant 3rdturnaround Ras Lanuf Libya Ras Lanuf Oil & GasProcessing Co. Inc  Overhauling of rotary equipment,engaged 35 specialists.
2007 Replacement of main distributionboard Ras Lanuf Libya VebaOil Co. Libya  Replacement of main distributionboard, installation of new equipment.
2006 Construction of a new fire watertank Sahabi Field Libya  Arabian Gulf Oil Co. Main design and construction ofa 5000 BBLS tank.
2006 Reconstruction of oil tank Ras Lanuf Libya Ras Lanuf Oil & GasProcessing Co. Inc  Re-bottoming and annular Ringreconstruction.
2005 Cleaning and refurbishment offuel oil tank Ras Lanuf Libya Ras Lanuf Oil & GasProcessing Co. Inc  Cleaning and refurbishment offuel oil tank.
2005 Dry Slop Oil tank Ras Lanuf Libya Ras Lanuf Oil & GasProcessing Co. Inc  Re-bottoming and annular platesreplacement.
2005 Installation of Runway Lightingsystem , Ed Dib Airport Ghani Field Libya VebaOil Co. Libya  Main design, completeconstruction and start up, Fire detection system installation.
2005 Pump stations Ras Lanuf Libya Ras Lanuf Oil & GasProcessing Co. Inc  Servicing of pump stations.
2004 Ethylene plant 7th turnaround  Ras Lanuf Libya Ras Lanuf Oil & GasProcessing Co. Inc  Provision of 239 highly skill;mechanics, rotating equipment and instrumentation specialist, pipe fitters,welders and NDT inspectors.
2004 Polyethylene Plant 2ndturnaround Ras Lanuf Libya Ras Lanuf Oil & GasProcessing Co. Inc  Overhauling of mechanical,electrical & instrumentation equipment and inspection. 55 highlyspecialized technicians engaged
2002 Operation and maintenanceservices at oil fields & terminal Multiple Sites Libya Zueitina OilCo. Libya  Technical assistance servicesfor operation and maintenance.
2002 Shurtan project Karshi Uzbekistan  AbbLumus Global, USA  Management and processsupervising services for ethylene & polyethylene plant and utility.
2001 Operation services atPolyethylene plant & polymer handling Film plant Libya Ras Lanuf Oil & GasProcessing Co. Inc  Technical assistance servicesfor operation.
1999 Maintenance services at oilfields in association with Energoinvest Co.  Multiple Sites Libya  Arabian Gulf Oil Co. Technical assistance servicesfor maintenance.
1998 FCC plant Plock Poland  Technipetrol,Plock, Poland and I.C.R.I. s.p.a., Rome Italy  Commissioning of instrumentationand process start-up of FCC plant.
1998 Oil refineries and Petrochemicalcomplex Port Harcourt Nigeria  Comerintltd., Nigeria  Mechanical maintenance services.
1997 Ammonia plant Urumqui China  Technimont s.p.a. Italy and E.C.O.S. Ltd., England  Commissioning start-up and process back-up services.
1997 Polypropylene plant Ufa Russia  Technimont pp, Ufa Russia and I.C.R.I. s.p.a., Rome, Italy  Instrumentation back- up services.
1996 Ethylene plant Canton China  Technimont s.p.a. and I.C.R.I. s.p.a., Rome, Italy  Commissioning of instrumentation including DCS and software programming, process start-up, initial operation and back-up of instrumentation and operation services.
1996 Fibrex S.A. H2 and Co2 plant Fibrex S.A. H2 and Co2 plant Piatru Niemc Romania  Kinetics Technology International s.p.a., Rome, Italy and WTI, Ireland  NDT equipment inspection.
1996 Petrochemical plant Al Shuaiba Kuwait  Kinetics Technology International s.p.a., Rome, Italy and WTI, Ireland  Construction and commissioning of plant's Furnaces section 
1996 Polypropylene plant Dalian China  Technimont s.p.a. and I.C.R.I. s.p.a., Rome, Italy  Commissioning of instrumentation including DCS and software programming, process start-up, initial operationand back-up of instrumentation and operation services.
1996 Power plant Omar Syria  Technipetrol s.p.a,. Rome, Italy and I.C.R.I s.p.a., Rome, Italy  Classroom and on job training of client's electrical staff.
1996 Power plant Omar Syria  Technipetrol s.p.a., Rome, Italy and I.C.R.I s.p.a., Rome, Italy  Commissioning, start-up and back-up of mechanical and electrical services.
1996 Steel Factory ? Thailand  Daneco s.p.a. and I.C.R.I s.p.a., Rome, Italy  LV electric supervision and SIMATIC software programming.